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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Set a course for sector 001...Engage!

So the Intro class may actually happen if Laura conjures up another miracle (which is an all too common occurrence).

I purchased an organizer last week and have been using it ever since. This action is apparently aberrant behavior at the best of times, as most people ask me "What are you 13?" Because most people still equate an organizer from the days when they were 13 and schools gave you one that you had to keep track of so that the teacher could grade you on your ability to organize.

I tended to pepper my organizer with inappropriate profanity at funny moments, make terrible notes about my fellow classmates, and fill it with other inane garbage that probably only reinforced the teacher's vision of me as a complete loser. I did those things because I tend to oppose structure being imposed on my life. I don't mind supplying the structure myself, but that's different than someone else supplying me with a small booklet that supposedly holds my schedule for the rest of the year THAT I MUST ADHERE TO.

I view my newest organizer in a more positive fashion. I read the directions to the organizer before I started using it (I know, that's nerdy even for me). I immediately plunked down events for that week. Then I plunked down events for next week. I started viciously organizing October. I leered aggressively at November but decided that it was too far in advance to do any real planning. I had an event on December 31 2010 that I could have easily imprisoned in my organizer, but decided that it would be rude.

My new organizer tracks stray, wayward events and appointments like any good panopticon. Only the truly esoteric and intelligent events escape the watchful eye of the Organizer Overseer. Even now, it is being spelled with capital letters, empowering itself.

Gee AJ, what are you doing today?
I have 2 private lessons today, and a possible intro class after that. No, don't ask me 'what time?' because some information is better kept from the proletariat. These events will occur when they occur, not before or after in accordance with the Directives of the Patrician and High Council.

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