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Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Advantages of Youth Fencing

When I was younger I used to feel sorry for older fencers because I thought anyone past the age of 30 simply couldn't fence saber. I didn't know anyone who could move 30+ year old knees and feet at a speed that would allow you to beat people. Now I have seen that you can be a sneaky old guy and still fence the only weapon worth fencing. =)

It seems weird dealing with the exact opposite sentiments in students at MFA. They think that kids are completely inept at fencing while old guys are the terror that walks in the night. This needs some addressing from me.

Half the reason old guys seem so scary is that they started off exactly like you. I began as a 13 year old, overweight, goth kid that was socially awkward with no friends:
Except of course the few other goth kids at school and a friend I kept throughout childhood. I was not awesome and I still don't consider myself beyond mediocre at a national level. I did not like to move my feet when I started fencing, just like everyone else. I did not win tournaments when I started fencing, just like everyone else. I was jealous of people who were better fencers than me, just like everyone else.

Other old fencers in the division always talk down to you, especially after they've just beaten you: "Good bout, You really got me on **insert inane technical flaw here**"

I have good news for all youth fencers, especially the youngest ones who get their butt kicked all the time. Are you ready to hear it?

It stops. The lashings you get now will harden you into a machine on the strip. The more hard work you put in now, the faster you will get better. The more you beat your head against that wall fencing someone who plays with you like a kitty the better you get. The frustration you feel at losing while knowing why you lost is what moulds you into a good fencer. Once 2-3 years of competition goes by, you will look at this sport from a completely different angle.

Further, because you fenced through years that your body was still growing, you will have a degree of muscle memory that fencers who began later in life will never have. You will always be more comfortable on the strip than them no matter what happens.

But you have to get there first. Most people lack the patience to learn the fencing skills required to excel at the sport. Hang in there, and keep fighting.

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