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Monday, October 11, 2010

Labels, Titles, and Names

People like their titles. People like rank and an unnatural order so that they can lord it over other people despite inferiority.

"I have been fencing for 4 years! [I obviously know more than you!]"

"I won my first novice tournament! [Of course I'm better than you!]"

"I used to be club president, I've put in my time [in comparison to you]."

I always thought that the above statements fit into the excuse category but of a different variety. You see, holding a position or fencing for a certain amount of time doesn't mean that you actually know what you're talking about. Always be leery of someone eager to tell you their credentials and titles outside of a demonstration setting.

I tend to dislike authority. I like it when students or others try & grab some power or authority, especially from me. It shows that someone possesses drive and ambition, which is way more valuable than someone who desires the appearance of being good.

Dislike of authority is a solid motivator for fencers to possess. It certainly isn't fear of a superior that can whip someone up into a frenzy.

I like merit based systems and awarding points to people based on skill, positive mental attitude, and constructive demeanor. Because it is those things that move us forward.

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